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Friday, 26 December 2008

Google Analytics

Well, I was bored, and remembered I had Google Analytics on this site.. giving me all the statistical data my nerdiness would ever want or need.

But then I found out I took the code out when I revamped the design on the blog at the start of the month!


But yes, I'll produce a nice report at the end of the week and every month will be a breakdown on the stats for the website.

Fun Fun.


I have stumbled across an internet alias I'm going to love to use, for my internet games and suchlike, as I have come across perhaps my most fun character in a TV Series I'm watching at the moment over Christmas - The West Wing.

Lord John Marbury. - see wiki entry

He's a eccentric character, and he's great for his salacious comments. Best of all, he's drunk. It's great how the Americans portray the Royal Family and the Brits on this show.


So, you may now see that I post under the name "Lord John Marbury", and tomorrow, I think, I fancy creating a Metal Gear Online character under the same name. (If only I can find the disk...)

Christmas Speeches

Every Year, Channel 4 broadcast an "alternative" christmas speech.

This year, it was by the Iranian President Ahmadinejad.

The Christmas speech, as normal was given by our lovely Queen.

Check the links above to watch the clips (if you're interested).

Basically, the UK Government has expressed their outrage at C4's broadcast because Ahmadinejad is "racist", "anti-semetic", "homophobic". That all may be, but that isn't the point.

The annual Queen speech, by contrast, is a patronizing debacle that only reminds us Britons that we are subjects, not citizens. It's hardly perfect either.

In the first case, the Iranian Christmas message is insulting because of its racial and extreme beleifs that give the impression if we don't consort to these beleifs we are not good people. That is, of course the idea with following religious scripture ideals, isn't it?

The second, the Queen's speech, is like I said, a reminder of the class-prejudice, pro-Aristocratic that just seems as downright patronizing.

We are all people created equal, before God, before the law. So let's ditch these religious and class - namely biased - speeches for Christmas. Let's have something secular, and meaningful. Something that is actually relevant and we can all relate to and subscribe in the 21st Century.

Something that is actually worth watching, anyway. Why anyone would want to be patronized by the Queen or lectured to by the President of a rogue, religious state I don't know. Where, in Iran, violation of its religious teachings are not crimes against our family but crimes against the state is a direct example why it is not worth listening to. The Monarchy, and all it symbolizes, is reason enough not to listen to it.

We are all equal. Maybe next year I could mock my own Christmas speech. Now that would be something.