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Friday, 2 January 2009

Loser and Breaker

I lose and break things all the time. Ask anyone.

This December I amazingly broke my own glasses in anger, and stamped on one pair, and lost another. So today I had to buy a new pair, they are actually designed as sunglasses, hence the size....

Luckily the stamped pair were saved. Joy!

-- Post From My iPhone

Analytics for December 2008

Noting that it had only been going for a week, (the analytic side of things), I'm not reading too much into the stats.

It seems there are 18 absolutely unique readers to my blogs, which is not bad for a week I guess!

People from 3 Countries read this blog, which is good to see.

Most people though are generally local to my location, but one goal I'm setting for 2009 is to campaign and expand my readership.

Hopefully with the data being collected over January there will be much more to discuss next month!