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Saturday, 28 February 2009

Archbishop Vincent Nichols Pastoral Letter on Disability

In a letter to be published on the weekend of March 21/22, Archbishop Nichols has addressed on Disability.

In it, he importantly points out that only 8% of disabled people actually are required to use a wheelchair: we need to recognise that disabilities come in many forms, not the stereotypes we might typically subscribe to a disabled person.

He writes... "Remember that those with disabilities tell us that the barrier which most often makes them feel unwelcome or excluded is that of peoples’ attitude. This is something we can change."

This is especially true, think of bullying, discrimination, perhaps people's general attitude to one another: people may say things in jest about just about anyone (talking negatively for example behind someone's back), but is this the example to set I wonder? Not for the disabled, not for children, not for anyone.

There is an important quote he uses to illustrate that those disabled are anything but unequal, lesser than other humans but the same as everyone else:

‘Let us keep those with disabilities at the centre of our life. Let us treasure them and recognise with gratitude the debt we owe them. We begin by imagining that we are giving to them; we end by realising that they have enriched us.’ (Pope John Paul II)


I would invite all those in the Archdiocese of Birmingham and beyond to read this letter when published but think about the deeper meaning, the underlying tone, the message Vincent Nichols is expressing to us, Catholics and non-Catholics alike: We are all human beings, all created equal, and we must strive to give to any and everyone, equal chances of opportunity for spiritual, moral and personal development. If we didn't afford these opportunities to those less well off, it would be us that are disabled.

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